Lot Owner / Family Member Form

    To be completed by the owner or authorized family member.

    Required fields are indicated with an asterisk *

    * Date of Form Submission:

    Name of Property Owner(s):

    * DOB 1:

      DOB 2:

    Name of Family Member of Record if Owner(s) are deceased:


    * Street:

    * City:

    * State:

    * ZIP

    Please provide at least one phone number.

    * Phone:

    * Type:
      If this is a cell phone, may we text you?

    Please provide at least one email address.

    * Email:

      May we contact you via this email address? YesNo


      May we contact you via this email address? YesNo

    Please carefully VERIFY THE FOLLOWING:

    Please complete a separate form for each property owned.

    * Location: Cedar Lawn Memorial ParkFair View Cemetery





      Number of spaces used:

      Spaces available:

      Who will use any remaining spaces?

    *Has a reservation/assignment of space letter been completed?

    Comments or requests about your wishes and plans:

    Did you know that there is an interest-free payment option available for pre-planning, saving you money?YesNoI would like to know more

    Please check all that may apply to you:

    Traditional Ground Burial

    Spaces purchased and assigned

    Vault(s) selected

    Memorial/marker selected and designed relevant to location

    Need to know if double interment is possible in one space

    Cremation Options

    Ground Burial  Two cremations can be placed per space with a second burial right

    Cremation Niche  Two to eight cremations can be placed depending on location
    and style

    Cremation Bench  One to four cremations can be placed in a memorial bench estate.

    Cremation Vaults


    I need to schedule an appointment with my Family Service Counselor for more information on pre-planning.

    Call (540) 344-4263) or email mspradlin@thefairviewgroup.org.

    *I verify that all information above is correct.

    * Typed signature:


    Please type the characters above in the blank below.
