To Make a Donation to a Foundation
Donate through PayPal
You can also contact our office or forward your gift to the address listed. Please make checks payable to:
The Fair View Foundation or The Cedar Lawn Foundation
P. O. Box 6231
Roanoke, VA 24017
When making memorial gifts, please list the name of the person in whose memory the gift is given.
The Foundation can now receive stock contributions.
The Fair View Foundation
The Fair View Foundation was established to received tax-deductible memorials, gifts, and contributions for a specific capital improvement and for the continuing beautification and general care of the cemetery.
Over the years gifts have provided the funding of many projects, including:
- New Maintenance Building
- Asphalt paving of all roads within the cemetery.
- The installation of street signs.
- The planting of flower gardens and trees.
- The installation of a water system for the cemetery.
- Replacement of vehicles and cemetery equipment.
- 2023 – Military Statues at Veteran’s Plaza
Items currently needed are:
- Re-planting of trees lost to the drought and age.
- Wood fencing on the north side of the cemetery.
The Cedar Lawn Foundation
The Cedar Lawn Foundation has been established to receive tax-deductible memorials, gifts, and contributions, for a specific capital improvement and for the continuing beautification and general care of the cemetery.
Items currently needed are:
- Improvements to The Last Supper statuary monument.
- Fencing around the storage lot.
- Planting of shrubs and trees.
- Fencing on the west side of the cemetery.